Kojensi 2.1.5 Release Notes

There are a number of improvements and bug fixes coming out in this release.

Adminspace Changes

  • When a user account has a status of New, it will now only change from New once the user logs into Kojensi (changing to active) OR the Administrator suspends the account (changing to suspended). This will allow better visibility of user accounts who have never logged on. 
  • Provisioned Users will no longer show on Adminspace Dashboard under User account statistics. 
  • A number of enhancements to our audit log capability. 


  • When a user uploads a file/s into a Workspace, and selects to notify members via the security sharing settings, the members receive a notification. This notification will now allow users to access the file via the link in the notification. 

A number of bug fixes, resolved typos and improvements to Kojensi emails and messages were released.